Gene Synthesis and Subcloning Services
Gene Synthesis & Subcloning Services
FIVEphoton Biochemicals
Telephone Support: M-F 8AM - 5PM PDT. Tel: 800.462.4507
Gene Synthesis: FIVEphoton Biochemicals offers expert Gene Synthesis Services with subcloning in a standardized vector, or vector of your choice, at highly competitive prices, rapid turn around time, technical consulation and 100% guaranteed accuracy. We provide an experienced gene synthesis service tailored to life science companies and academic institutions. 4µg of gene product and a detailed report are provided with each completed gene synthesis order. We are dedicated to satisfy every customer in their gene synthesis requirements.
Gene Synthesis Work Flow
Gene Synthesis and Subcloning Highlights:
The convenience of no log-in quotes.
Quotes are typicaly provided within 24 hrs with a detailed project summary, codon optimized sequence if requested and an estimate of completion time.
Technical support is available by telephone or email to discuss the quote and to explicitly confirm the project before it is commenced.
Regular status updates are provided as synthesis and subcloning proceeds.
The customer is provided with 4ug of plasmid DNA subcloned into a standard vector1 (free of charge) or a customer provided vector at sites designated by the customer (extra charge).
Double-stranded DNA sequence data, gene map and a detailed report are provided with each completed project.
Additional Features of Gene Synthesis:
Free codon optimization available upon request.
Extensive experience with synthesis of genes with tandem repeats, high G:C content and long sequences (8000bp+).
Subcloning into standardized vector (free), or vector of your choice (additional charge).
Site-directed mutagenesis service available.
Full confidentiality.
We store backup material of each project for 3 months, after which is is destroyed. Unlike many other companies, we do not claim material or IP rights to your project.
1. Standard Vector. The synthesized gene is blunt-end subcloned into pGH, a pBlueScript II KS(+) derivative which has most commonly used cloning sites removed. This process maintains your entire sequence and allows for easy subcloning by the customer (see tab above for pGH map and description). A gene-vector map is provided with every completed order.
Gene Synthesis & Subcloning Services Average Pricing
Average Price
Gene Synthesis
Subcloing -Stnd Vector
No Charge
Subcloning - Customer Vector
Shipping -Continental US
Fedex overnight $22
No login required. Qoutes generally returned within 24 hr.
Items provided to customers on completion of gene synthesis
4µg lyophilized plasmid with inserted gene shipped to customer.
Summary report detailing the project and vector-gene map.
Double stranded - DNA sequence, including chromatograph, of the synthesized gene and insertion site is provided for each project.
100% sequence guarantee.
Terms and condiitions. All projects are subject to final approval by FIVEphoton Biochemicals. Gene Synthesis projects are pre-screened for biosafety security and hazard concerns. The customer is responsible to confirm the sequence and cloning sites. Fifty percent pre-payment is required before project is commenced, with the remainer due 30 days following receipt of materials. Full payment is required once a Gene Synthesis or Subcloning order is confirmed by the customer and FIVEphoton Biochemicals and is commenced. For complete Terms and Conditions for Gene Synthesis and Subcloning, please view Terms and Conditions and Orders for Gene Synthesis on