Protein Extraction Reagents
Protein Extraction, Cell Lysis and Immunoprecipitation Reagents
Detergent protein extraction reagents lyse and soubilize cell menbranes, a process that releases proteins into solution into a detergent buffer. All protein extraction reagents offered by FIVEphoton Biochemicals extract transmembrane and cytosolic proteins from culture cells; some are also suitable to extract proteins from tissues. We also offer protein extraction reagents that can be used in immunoprecipitation and pull-down procedures (for example, the CHAPS lysis buffer).
The Transmembrane Protein Extraction Reagent (TmPER -) will extract and solubilize high molecular weight - multipass transmembrane proteins that are poorly soluble, have aggregation tendency and/or are lipid raft associated. The table below overviews properties of our protein extraction reagents.
Overview of Protein Extraction Reagents